The following form(s) cannot be printed online but must be printed and returned to our office.

Please remember that you cannot save this form and return to complete it. If you're filling out an enrollment form online, please allow the necessary time to complete and submit it.

We currently have a waiting list. We invite you to fill out this enrollment form. Once a spot becomes available, we will contact you!

Auto Payment Form

We are excited to offer the safety, convenience and ease of Tuition Express — a payment processing system that allows secure, on-time tuition and fee payments to be made from either your bank account or credit card.

Photo Release Form


As you know, we take many pictures throughout the day of your children doing various activities and upload them to ProCare for you! We would like to go one step further and use those photos for our website, our Facebook page, bulletin boards, and other forms of advertising.

Please read and let us know if we have permission to feature your child’s pictures on these sites and/or in our classrooms/center.

Please check DO or DO NOT and write your child’s name in the blank.

Submit online by filling out the form below: